Archive for the ‘Eggs’ Category

CSA Box, Week #3

Thursday, June 30th, 2011

Week #3 of my Growing Washington CSA. Just look at those little strawberries. I know what we're having for dessert tonight :-) This week's haul: Flowers Strawberries x 2 Dried Heirloom Beans Duck Eggs Free-Range Eggs Sweet Basil Lettuce-Green Bibb Arugula-Cut Peas-Sugar Snap Onions-Yellow Storage Carrots-Spring x2 Beets-Red Ace x2

Chicken Francese

Wednesday, April 6th, 2011

Inspired by my friend Rachel, I went looking for a good recipe for chicken francese. This one by Tyler Florence got very good reviews, so I used it as my starting point. We liked this decently well, but it seemed to be missing something, and I'm not sure ...

Baked French Toast à l’Orange

Saturday, December 25th, 2010

Another recipe from Central Market. This originally called for marmelade as well, but Shaun isn't a fan, so we skipped it. They have a great "Ultimate French Toasting Bread" from the local Brenner Brother's Bakery, which is thickly sliced and light and wonderfully absorbent. We didn't like ...

A Somewhat Random Dinner

Monday, November 29th, 2010

Using up bits and pieces of things that needed to be eaten in the fridge led to this eclectic meal of chicken sausage, scrambled eggs, sauteed mushrooms, and green salad. The sausage is al fresco Roasted Garlic. We liked these pretty well, but we liked their Vermont Apple with Maple ...

Salmon Omelet

Tuesday, October 12th, 2010

I had a little leftover salmon, hollandaise, and an egg white from last night's dinner, so I added one whole egg this morning and made myself an omelet. An unusually delicious way to start off my morning :-)

Cobb Salad

Thursday, August 26th, 2010

There are probably as many variations of Cobb Salad as there are people that make it. This is the version I made tonight. Avocado is pretty traditional, but sadly the one I had in the fridge had gone mushy and grey :-( Blue ...

Breakfast Skillet

Sunday, July 18th, 2010

This was a great easy meal! I used eggs and potatoes from my CSA boxes with some thinly sliced pork chops to make a balanced meal with the side of green salad we had. Breakfast Skillet Serves 4 1 lb meat of your choice, cut into small bite sized pieces (I used ...

Arugula, Tomato, and Egg Salad

Saturday, July 10th, 2010

Shaun's off at a concert tonight, so I've just been foraging for dinner. I found a little arugula from last week's CSA box that I wanted to use, and I wanted to cook up an egg or two from this week's box as well, so I made this very ...

Egg Drop Soup

Sunday, June 27th, 2010

This was a very quick and easy light dinner for a rainy evening after a beautiful weekend! The mushrooms can be replaced with fresh, or even omitted if you aren't a fan, but I like the subtle umami flavor that they add. Egg Drop Soup Serves 4 as an appetizer 1 quart ...

An Easy Dinner

Monday, June 21st, 2010

Tonight we had a super easy dinner - turkey smoked sausage, roasted broccoli and cauliflower, and scrambled eggs. I've talked about the turkey smoked sausage before, and I just sliced it up and browned it in a skillet. The broccoli and cauliflower I sprayed lightly with olive ...