Product Review: Costco Deep Dish Pizza
February 8, 2013 – 7:27 pmWe’re sorely lacking in deep dish Chicago-style pizza here in Washington. (Do you hear me, Old Chicago?) A friend recently mentioned that her Costco near Woodinville just started carrying deep dish pizzas in addition to the regular ones they’ve had for a long time. I had to check out my local one here in Everett, and they had them too. Hurrah! I picked one up and gave it a try. Rather heavy on the cheese for my tastes, but good crust, good sauce, good toppings. Overall, I was decently impressed, and this is a decent substitute when I’m not feeling like making my own.

One Response to “Product Review: Costco Deep Dish Pizza”
Actually it was pretty good. I don’t like olives so I picked them all off before I baked it. I think if they added green pepper, onion and mushroom and removed the olives it would taste much better
By Chitown on Apr 22, 2013