A couple product reviews
July 30, 2012 – 5:53 pmWe recently tried a couple new items that we enjoyed, so I’ll share them here.
First up, Niman Ranch Kentucky Bourbon Uncured Sausages. These sausages were flavorful without being overwhelming, and were lacking the grease factor that so many sausages have. We enjoyed these with some quick braised brussels sprouts (using chicken broth rather than water).

Second, we tried Alexia Sweet Potato Puffs. Shaun’s not as much a fan of sweet potatoes as I am, so these were much more up my alley. I very much enjoyed them! They were tender with a nice crisp exterior after a quick bake in a hot oven. I dipped them in Sweet Chili Sauce, which is a great pairing.

Both of these were quite good, and I’ll keep an eye out for them again!
2 Responses to “A couple product reviews”
I love Alexia spicy sweet potato fries! I’ve never tried the puffs. I’ll have to see if I can find them!
By Krista on Jul 31, 2012
I found ’em at Target =)
By Cassie on Jul 31, 2012