Archive for the ‘Fruit’ Category

Everett Mall Farmer’s Market

Friday, July 19th, 2013

A new farmer's market opened this past week at the Everett Mall. It was small, but quite nice, and I got some great tomatoes, spinach, peaches, "nectarots" (a hybrid of apricots and nectarines), beets, and some delicious just fried mini doughnuts tossed in cinnamon sugar that are not pictured, ...

Loot from the Mukilteo Farmer’s Market

Wednesday, June 26th, 2013

Loot from the Mukilteo Farmer's Market  - Rainer Cherries and Cherry Cider from First Fruits, olive oil from Far North, and my absolute favorite tayberries from Swanson Brothers.  The all too short tayberry season is here, hurrah!

Cranberry Cake

Wednesday, December 26th, 2012

This recipe comes to me via my friends Jessica and Kristen. It came highly recommended, and it definitely deserved it! The balance of flavors works very nicely, and I'm having this for breakfast, even though I made it for a treat last night. I'm sharing the recipe ...

Apple Cranberry Turkey Pasta

Sunday, November 25th, 2012

This very odd sounding pasta was surprisingly good. My husband thought it was outstanding. :-D I'm not sure where the inspiration for this came from; it was just Shaun and me punting in the kitchen and ending up with something interesting and good. The sweet and ...

Growing Washington CSA – Week 19

Thursday, October 25th, 2012

Week 19! Dried Heirloom Beans Pluot-Dapple Dandy Pluot-Dapple Dandy Apples-Honeycrisp Winter Squash-Pie Pumpkins Tomatoes-Heirloom Tomatoes-Heirloom Potatoes-German Butterball Beets-Red Ace

Growing Washington CSA – Week 18

Thursday, October 18th, 2012

Week 18! Tomatoes-Mixed Rainbow Cherries Tomatoes-Mixed Rainbow Cherries Dried Heirloom Beans Pluot-Dapple Dandy Plums-Angelina Apples-Honeycrisp Mushrooms-Shiitake Shortage - will be in next week's box Tomatoes-Heirloom Beets-Red Ace

Apple Pie

Sunday, October 14th, 2012

A delicious apple pie to use up some of the apples from the CSA. :-) I just used my go-to recipe from Joy of Cooking, blogged here.

Growing Washington CSA – Week 17

Thursday, October 11th, 2012

Week 17! Tomatoes-Green Pluot-Dapple Dandy Plums-Angelina Peaches Apples-Honeycrisp Winter Squash-Bush Delicata Tomatoes-Sungold Substitute: Tomatoes - Cherry Tomatoes-Sungold Substitute: Tomatoes - Cherry Squash-Romanesco

Growing Washington CSA – Week 16

Thursday, October 4th, 2012

Week 16! Pluot-Dapple Dandy Plums-Angelina Peaches Blackberries Apples-Honeycrisp Apples-Honeycrisp Tomatoes-Sungold Substitute: Tomatoes-Cherry Tomatoes-Sungold Substitute: Tomatoes-Cherry Squash-Romanesco Also, random tomatillos. I hope someone else isn't missing theirs!

Growing Washington CSA – Week 15

Thursday, September 27th, 2012

Week 15! Apples - Tsugaru Pluot-Dapple Dandy Peaches Blackberries Winter Squash-Bush Delicata Tomatoes-Farmer Squash-Romanesco Potatoes-Red Beets-Red Ace