Product Review: Pepsi Natural

May 5, 2009 – 7:12 pm

(Image source: Pepsi-Cola North America Beverages)

On a Costco run on Monday, I came across a display with a case of the new, limited time Pepsi Natural – made with real sugar, no artificial colors, just old fashioned ingredients. I had to give it a try. I popped a couple in the fridge when I got home and tonight Shaun and I cracked one open to share. It was really good – very pure flavor, almost reminiscent of tea rather than the mass-produced preserved colored stuff we’re used to. Even the bottles are very aesthetically pleasing. I’m going to keep several of them for little flower vases. If you happen across some Pepsi Natural, give it a try!

I have no association with Pepsi. I was not compensated in any way for this post. It is purely my own opinion.

  1. One Response to “Product Review: Pepsi Natural”

  2. I’ll have to scope this out when I’m at the store!

    By Joelen on May 6, 2009

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