Product Review: Ball Park Grillmaster Deli Style Beef Franks

April 19, 2009 – 3:14 pm

First, a quick note. I am not paid for any endorsements. Ball Park has no idea who I am. This is just me recommending a product that I tried and liked.

I saw these Ball Park Grillmaster Deli Style Beef Franks on sale in the grocery store and decided to pick them up. We grilled them up for lunch and were very impressed. These have a great flavor, perfectly seasoned and meaty. They’re a far cry from your average hot dog, and I’d highly recommend them for your next casual grilling event!

(image from

  1. 2 Responses to “Product Review: Ball Park Grillmaster Deli Style Beef Franks”

  2. I think it was Oscar Mayer that used to make a hot dog called the ‘Big and Juicy’. I LOVED that hot dog. Until I read the nutritional label. That totally ruined it for me.

    If I pick these up, I won’t make that mistake again.

    By paula on Apr 23, 2009

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