Archive for the ‘CSA’ Category

Growing Washington CSA – Week 19

Thursday, October 25th, 2012

Week 19! Dried Heirloom Beans Pluot-Dapple Dandy Pluot-Dapple Dandy Apples-Honeycrisp Winter Squash-Pie Pumpkins Tomatoes-Heirloom Tomatoes-Heirloom Potatoes-German Butterball Beets-Red Ace

Growing Washington CSA – Week 18

Thursday, October 18th, 2012

Week 18! Tomatoes-Mixed Rainbow Cherries Tomatoes-Mixed Rainbow Cherries Dried Heirloom Beans Pluot-Dapple Dandy Plums-Angelina Apples-Honeycrisp Mushrooms-Shiitake Shortage - will be in next week's box Tomatoes-Heirloom Beets-Red Ace

Growing Washington CSA – Week 17

Thursday, October 11th, 2012

Week 17! Tomatoes-Green Pluot-Dapple Dandy Plums-Angelina Peaches Apples-Honeycrisp Winter Squash-Bush Delicata Tomatoes-Sungold Substitute: Tomatoes - Cherry Tomatoes-Sungold Substitute: Tomatoes - Cherry Squash-Romanesco

Growing Washington CSA – Week 16

Thursday, October 4th, 2012

Week 16! Pluot-Dapple Dandy Plums-Angelina Peaches Blackberries Apples-Honeycrisp Apples-Honeycrisp Tomatoes-Sungold Substitute: Tomatoes-Cherry Tomatoes-Sungold Substitute: Tomatoes-Cherry Squash-Romanesco Also, random tomatillos. I hope someone else isn't missing theirs!

Growing Washington CSA – Week 15

Thursday, September 27th, 2012

Week 15! Apples - Tsugaru Pluot-Dapple Dandy Peaches Blackberries Winter Squash-Bush Delicata Tomatoes-Farmer Squash-Romanesco Potatoes-Red Beets-Red Ace

Growing Washington CSA – Week 14

Thursday, September 20th, 2012

Week 14! Apples - Zestar Raspberries-Fall Pluot-Dapple Dandy Plums-Angelina Peaches Tomatoes-Big Beef Squash-Romanesco Squash-Romanesco Sweet Corn

Growing Washington CSA – Week 13

Thursday, September 13th, 2012

Week 13! Thyme Pluot-Dapple Dandy Plums-Angelina Peaches Apples-Gala Tomatoes-Big Beef Squash-Romanesco Potatoes-Gold Beets-Red Ace

Growing Washington CSA – Week 12

Thursday, September 6th, 2012

Week 12! Plums-Angelina Peaches Apples-Gala Tomatoes-Big Beef Squash-Romanesco Substitute: Squash-Raven Squash-Romanesco Substitute: Squash-Raven Peas-Snow Peas Substitute: Green Beans Cucumbers-Slicing Substitute: Cucumbers-Asian Beets-Red Ace

Growing Washington CSA – Week 11

Thursday, August 30th, 2012

Week 11! Red Fingerling Potatoes Plums-Angelina Free-Range Eggs Lettuce-Green Romaine Tomatoes-Big Beef Squash-Romanesco Squash-Romanesco Carrots-Orange Beets-Red Ace

Growing Washington CSA – Week 10

Thursday, August 23rd, 2012

Week 10! Strawberries-Everbearing Plout-Flavorich Blackberries Sweet Basil Lettuce-Green Romaine Tomatoes-Black Krim Substitute: Tomatoes-Big Beef Tomatoes-Big Beef Squash-Romanesco Beets-Red Ace