Archive for the ‘Corgi’ Category

Merry Christmas!

Thursday, December 25th, 2014

It's been a great year! We've had a blast with Steven, helping him to grow and learn. He's 16 months old now, a full-on toddler, and loving life! Saturday, we had a get-together with his friend, Amary, and her mom and dad. The kids had a great time ...

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Monday, January 27th, 2014

Bad bad blogger Cassie. Here are some pictures to make up for it! My stocking is bigger than me! Our usual Christmas Eve dinner of crab and bacon wrapped shrimp Christmas morning! Our Christmas dinner: prime rib, brussels sprouts, roasted potatoes, and yorkshire pudding Sweet and sour little smokies for New Year's Eve Steven's first ...

Happy Halloween!

Thursday, October 31st, 2013

Mommy's little pumpkin patch

Welcome Baby!

Saturday, August 31st, 2013

Our little guy was born on the 20th, and we're all so in love (and sleep deprived ;) )!

A Corgi Afternoon

Friday, May 17th, 2013

We spent a very enjoyable Friday afternoon at Leo and Kathy's house for a corgi meet-up. Much fun was had by all. :-) My photos can be found here on Flickr, or there are a few highlights below.

Happy Saint Patrick’s Day!

Sunday, March 17th, 2013

I hope everyone had a fun Saint Patrick's Day! I went to Shawn O'Donnell's for a great Irish breakfast: rashers, grilled tomatoes, O'Brian potatoes, fried eggs, and toast.   I got to see the Snohomish Country Firefighters Pipes and Drums, and generally had a good time people watching. The pipe ...

Happy New Year!

Monday, December 31st, 2012

We wish you all the best in the new year! We made our usual sweet and sour little sausages and some baked corn tortilla chips (just cut up tortillas, sprayed lightly with oil, sprinkled with kosher salt, and baked at 450 degrees F for about 10 minutes) for snacks. :-) ...

Corgi Secret Santa

Tuesday, December 25th, 2012

We participated in the Corgi Secret Santa again this year. Our Secret Santa was Marie Ploof and her corgi, Kipper. They sent us an awesome package with some toys for Emma and a charm bracelet and corgi magnet for me. Emma immediately took to the alligator and ...

Wishing you sweet sugarplum dreams

Monday, December 24th, 2012

Wishing you sweet sugarplum dreams...

Corgi Christmas Card Exchange

Monday, December 24th, 2012

We joined the corgi Christmas card exchange this year and we've got tons of cards from all over the world! This has been so much fun. :-D Thank you everyone!